“Been Planned For Years…” Wed. 9:40 PM…

Who are these incredible patriots who have been planning this unbelievable…


information…financial…institutional…judicial…educational…social…musical…mind-altering…disease…germ…substance…drug…programming…infiltration of our minds…our beliefs and our society…on just about every level…


Who are these epic patriots who have been working behind the scenes on this “plan”

that is taking form and shape right before our eyes…

while at the same time, offering US, the average American Joe, a chance to be a part of it?

“Trust the plan. Been planning for years.”

I’m paraphrasing.

I’ve been researching many of the massive Q Drops today…

but also notice that Q continues to post.

I believe this is part of the plan.

As I have also noticed that lots of internet doorways are being opened right now…such as ThreadReaderApp.com and the MEGA Server Website and many other SUPPORT websites…specifically designed for people who are following Q Anon.

Oh…I just know this is part of their plan, because this is an information war, and we have NEVER seen anything like this in the history of the world as we know it.

It’s 10 pm. I’m tired, but excited at the same time.

I really think this is the big “Intel Drop” that Q has been talking about. There are going to be links to share…new NEWS SOURCES popping up…there is going to be an overthrow of the internet and INFORMATION SOURCES…

that even David Brock’s PEDO trolls won’t be prepared to handle.

I have a feeling that this plan started taking shape after a group of  “Admirals and Generals,” who were going to charge 44 with treason, were assassinated.

God Bless the men and women who have been a part of “the plan” and who are working on “the plan” right now.

To all of those people who want instant results…

realize that no one has been able to DO ANYTHING until NOW…

most of all YOU! 

Instead of sitting at home on your sofa, getting in the way…you should be cheering the ONLY HOPE WE HAVE…and kissing their feet…for coming up with a plan…

and having the balls to put it into action, knowing full well they were going to come up against jerk-wads like you, whining that the plan wasn’t working fast enough! Gah! 

Guess what?

It’s working a HELL of a lot faster than YOUR plan! (Which is NO plan…)

In conclusion…it’s late…

I’ve discovered a lot of information, but it seems minuscule in comparison to the massive drops…memes…websites…”threads”…etc…etc…that are exploding onto the scene…

and all appear to be part of the “plan.”

I am SO enjoying the show.