MORNING NEWS: 👉 WEDNESDAY 👉August 9, 2017 🇺🇸

Happy “Hump Day”…or Happy Trump-Day, as I like to say…

Why do they make me do it?

Why can’t they just stay in their pods and wait for the anti-Christ to appear QUIETLY…speaking only “inside of their heads?”

I wouldn’t have to verbally rape them, if they would just go back to Antartica and slide back down…into the black hole they slithered out of…but NO.

No. No such luck.


SHOCK VIDEO: Gangsters with Guns Threaten to Assassinate Trump Over Their “Mama’s Food Stamps, B*tch!”

OK…this is not a “gangster.” Clearly this is what they call a “Reptilian” shape-shifting Bedwetter.

See how the face is all rubbery and shifting around? See how they speak in Lizard sounds?

We have the Nazis to thank for this. If they hadn’t gotten on boats and submarines, and traveled down to Antartica in the first place, looking for their “master race” of giants, we wouldn’t have these epileptic reptiles all over the place, speaking in tongues and demanding we support them.

Of course they’re upset. THEY ARE LIZARDS!!!

Wouldn’t you be upset, if a bunch of Nazi’s invaded your HOLE, lured you out with promises of free Kraft cheese slices and unlimited greenbacks, paid for by dumb Americans, who suddenly and unexpectedly took their country back?

Now they’ve got lizard egg on their faces, no job skills, and are ranting in Lizard-ese.

Who can blame them?

I don’t speak Reptilian, so I have no idea what it’s saying, but I feel it’s frustration. This is all the fault of the Nazi’s…again.

Another fail.

We should send them all to Germany. Merkel  will take care of them.



Speaking of Lizards…

Worst President Ever: Obama Knew North Korea Was a Threat, Didn’t Have the Spine to Deal With It

Lizard People don’t have spines, as we know them. They have cartilage that bends.

Look at the shape of the head on this one. This is the one we accidentally elected “Lizard-in-Cheif,” another fail from the blood-drinking, grave-robbing Democrats.

How did we not see that this thing came crawling up from the sewer of the earth?

I’m betting that more than a few years was spent, in the Chicago CIA lab (located miles outside of the city…in…you guessed it…an underground facility,) trying to get the skin stretched over the scales…just right.

Apparently the technology didn’t exist to correct the skull size or the grey-green coloring…that eeks to the surface when it gets stressed.

I see the hair is starting to die off. They’ll need to grow another muskrat and harvest the scalp for a transplant soon, or the Lizard-horns will start to show though.

This one speaks English, so that part of the experiment was a success, however it’s teeth (which are designed for ripping open cattle and chomping through the intestines in less than 3 minutes) are starting to grow outside of it’s mouth-hole.

Underneath that suit is the body of the Geigo Gekko…you just can’t tell because they’ve padded it with styrofoam…an old tranny-trick.

I’m hoping that they’ll just call Orkin and get a team of professionals working on a giant “Lizard Hotel” (with giant sticky paper inside) and just set it outside it’s front door, sometime during the night, and place a sign on it that says: “Free Hot Dogs OVER HERE” with an arrow pointing.

They check in…but they don’t check out…




Jealous Traitor John Mccain Doesn’t Like How Trump Threatened North Korea

OK…why, why, why, do I constantly have to remind the GOVERNMENT, of the simplest of facts…that they should know…but seem to be blinded to all common sense? Why?

How many times do I have to say it?

When you want to know how to deal with North Korea…you don’t ask the fake war hero-guy with the GIANT brain tumor!!!

Jeeze…why don’t you just consult a tomato or a rock? You’ll get better advice.

His brain is broken. Don’t ask him anything about anything.

All that “spirit-cooking” stuff…like poop, sperm, blood, human flesh, etc…has formed hardened giant balls of goo, in this creatures brain!

We don’t even know who dresses this infirm BOOB in the morning! Does it even tie it’s own shoes?

Everything about Korea decision making requires a fully formed brain, which leaves this old, baby raping warlock out of the mix!

That’s another thing…forget about the giant tumors all over his brain…don’t ask a life-long poop-eater and blood drinker ANYTHING. Period. You’re not going to get a sane answer!

Where is this thing’s handler…or nurse…or whatever? Get him back into the bed where he can’t KILL any more people than he already has!

Jeeeze! do I have to tell the government everything?




Anti-Trump Nevada Senator Dean Heller Just Got VERY BAD NEWS


Why…this guy doesn’t look like a raging, flaming PEDO at ALL (snark) does he?

Just look at that prissy face!

He looks EXACTLY like your classic “Boy-Lover” on the cover of “Mambla Today!!!” Good God…get this thing OUT of office ASAP.

How much do you want to bet that he has photos of himself dressed like Pinocchio…surrounded by naked children (boys)…doing the “Chicken Dance” and eating bratwurst, all with the actual azz cut out of his Pinocchio-shorts?

Then afterwards he takes them to his Michael Jackson Gingerbread House (in his basement) and they are never seen or heard from again.

Bet this  Nancy-boy has a medicine cabinet full of face cream and opioids, for just such occasions!

God the voter-fraud must be off the chain in Nevada, for this former chorus-girl-come-PEDOPHILE  to be holding ANY office at all, when he clearly belongs in the show-group, relegated to the Cabaret, located UNDER the prison!

I feel dirty just looking at this thing.

Vote him out and then lock him up!