MORNING NEWS: 👉 MONDAY 👉August 14, 2017 🇺🇸

Good morning everyone! Please watch this IMPORTANT video and share it with everyone you can to get the TRUTH out about Charlottesville, Va!

It’s 7am. I will be back to make fun of the news shortly…


Ok…Democrats are from Hell, we can see that now clearly, in the form of the Charlottesville Mayor…


Charlottesville Mayor Blames Trump for the Violence: “Look at What Kind of Campaign He Ran” (VIDEO)


Besides the smug, giggling look on it’s face…it looks (almost) normal right? Well it’s not. It’s Satan’s great grandchild.

The horns are retractible.

Everyone knows that Trump had nothing to do with any of this. What Satan’s great grandson is trying to do is take the blame off HIMSELF, and place it on President Trump, because they are simply running out of options.

These “Antifa” creeps, were literally burped up from the belly of the beast. Lucifer’s pet dogs. Given permission to slack on their Devil-duties, and summoned from the fiery pits, so they could they come to Charlottesville and create havoc in the name of the Baphomet.

But I digress.

Apparently this Mayor-Thing was given the key to the gates of HELL and allowed to use these things for his own agenda.

Even the POLICE  were taken off Devil-duties and summoned from the fiery pits, to come  to Charlottesville and add to the chaos.

Just look at this Mama’s boy smirk as he spreads FAKE NEWS all over the place…and believes he is making a difference.

That’s right Miss Priss…keep smirking you raging psychopath.

Your day is coming!


NOTE: Yesterday I reached a breaking point, today I’m going to try and be kinder with my words.

Don’t know how that’s going to work out…as I have no forgiveness or love for these creatures. We’ll see how long it lasts.




Gun Control Org Blames Va. Gun Laws For Violence In Charlottesville Despite Lack Of Gun Violence


See? This here is what I’m talking about. These people must think we are dumb as dirt, to give them our GUNS after what just happened in Charlottesville, and what’s been happening since “We the People” WON THE ELECTION. 

We won you Azzhats!

Do you mental degenerates REALLY think we are going to give you our guns now?

This is their weakness. They underestimate the enemy, because they are too busy “spirit cooking,” committing sodomy in public restrooms,  breaking God’s Laws and looking at themselves in the mirror!

This is going to be their undoing, because while they are looking for children to molest…we are buying MORE GUNS than we ever did!

All that “spirit cooking” has turned their actual brains into shyte. You can’t eat and drink poop, blood, urine etc and maintain your MENTAL HEALTH at the same time.

Don’t they know that?

I guess not.

Oh yeah…we’ll give you our guns…SURE…they are right over there, behind the wall of TRAINED WASPS...Good Luck Bird Brains!  




Media Matters BUSTED Lying About Their Soros Funding


Ok…here’s where my “be nice” rule might fall apart. all I can promise today…is that I will clean up my LANGUAGE from yesterday (I had to remove a video from my youtube page because I dropped the F-Bomb so many times I lost track, and wished for these CREEPS  to be set on fire! )

Moving forward….I’ll try not to do that. No promises though.

Just LOOK at this little GNOME of a creature David Brock.

Just LOOK (I’ll give you a second to take it all in.)

I know I write about people’s appearances a lot on this blog, but there’s a very good reason for it.

These self-important BLOWHARD keep insulting Americans, by name calling…

(BTW when did THAT tactic ever work to bring people over to your side?) 

these pompous, over-inflated, Freaks of Nature…

have YET to take a good look in the mirror!

These people are human oddities of  gargantuan proportions!

Maybe they don’t own mirrors, because Satan won’t allow it?

What other explanation can there be?

This guy David Brock looks like he suffers from  Fetal Alcohol Syndrome because his parental units were unmarried Carnival workers who got drunk one night behind the funnel-cake-maker…and voila!

Looks like they fed him nothing but cotton candy and gin!

He looks like a mutant…and I say that with love (not really.)

The two of them (Soros and Brock) look like…Chimeras!

I forget what this article was about because these two TOADS are completely distracting me!

If this is the way people with money look…I’ll pass.




LOL : Mad Max Just Claimed the White House is Run by White Supremacists


I would make fun of this person…but watching it have meltdown, after meltdown, after meltdown, is extremely entertaining.

Soon, (she?) will be nothing but a brown stain on the floor with a wig on top of it.

Look at the mouth. Don’t you just want to toss a dead fish into that cavernous, never-ending black hole?

This thing can’t live for much longer, that’s why I tolerate it. It looks like it’s got one shoe in the grave already.

I fully expect this demonic hag to start bleeding from every orifice, in mid-sentcnce one day, and seizing all over the floor, while everyone pretends to care.

I can’t believe it’s still breathing.

I would make jokes about throwing golf balls at it…but I promised to be nice today…a simple trap-door to nowhere will do.

How about a giant hook?

The clock is ticking on this one.


So! Im off to write some articles and make some serious videos, explaining WHY I question all these creatures genders…

WHY I call them Satanists and Poop eaters…

WHY I call them baby-rapers…

WHY I bash them relentlessly.








My video about Facebook’s never-ending quest for information about YOUR life…