TODAY’S NEWS: 👉 THURSDAY 👉September 21, 2017 🇺🇸

I love this video…

Just LOOK at how unhinged these hideous “news” clowns have become (or maybe they were always this way.)

They don’t even try to cover up the fact that they are lizards to the bone.


I wouldn’t watch MSNBC if you put a gun in my mouth and threatened to blow my brains out.

I’d rather fight you for the gun.

It’s simply too repulsive to endure, too odious for human consumption, and I have a theory that MSNBC was specifically developed, by the CIA, for MK Ultra victims, along with victims of multigenerational child abuse…only.

Those are the only people who can take it.

Clones may like it, depending on how many cloning experiments are out there walking amongst us (((shudder.)))

Speaking of clones…



Maxine Waters Pushes Trump Impeachment – DURING EULOGY! “We’re Gonna Take Back the House Slaves Built” (VIDEO)

Now maybe someone can explain to me how in the world this creature-thing HAS NOT been programmed to repeat the same phrases over and over, even if set on FIRE?

You would be able to see this thing inside the flames, screaming “Impeach 45! Impeach! Russia! Russian collusion! Taxes…ahhhhhhhhhhhh…….uuuurrrrrrrgggggghhhh…” 

Until there was nothing left but a pile of “black goo” (which they can probably re-cycle now) and a bad (burnt) wig.

What other explanation can there be?

You could say she’s dirty as hell and is frantic to hide her considerable crimes…

but what if she was born a he?

You see what I mean? Even the gender is in question.

An old crook knows when to keep his mouth shut, a clone doesn’t.



This man is DEAD!!!!

Look at him. I think I see grave wax on his jacket! This is the most frightening thing I’ve seen since Maxine Waters (just five minutes ago.)

His cheeks are so hollow, you could serve soup inside of those things, except then your food would have to come into contact with his dead flesh!

Dear God, now they are “re-animating” these fools, just so they can impeach President Trump.

I’m surprised his skin doesn’t come peeling off, each time he has to appear in public!

How is this thing going to “prosecute?”

Seems like just moving his face would cause the whole thing to start falling apart.

I can see it now:

He addresses the court: “Ladies and Gentlemen” and as green gas spews from his lips, and the smell of death fills the courtroom…his arm falls off and lands on the floor, causing everyone to scream and run for their lives.

Do you suppose they put him back in his coffin at the end of the day, or does he go into one of those gigantic “recharging pods” (located underground in a city near you!?)

I wonder what they use instead of blood?

Do they FEED him?

Someone needs to put the kibosh on this right now!



Fake Antifa Strikes again…

Bah ha ha!

You can always rely on Antifa. They are your FAM.







Here’s 2 good movies, for an overcast day:

Small Sacrifices… 


The Stepford Wives…


Hope everyone has a great day!