TODAY’S NEWS: 👉 TUESDAY 👉October 3, 2017 🇺🇸

A serious moment:

So it’s Tuesday, and I’m still not convinced that the Las Vegss attack wasn’t a choreographed event.

I pray that it was staged but am guessing it was more “instigated.” 

More information is coming out.

See this video:


Don’t really know how many lives were lost, because all we have is globalist-owned outlets as sources, and they lie. 

Case in point: Sandy Hook.

While the rest of the world was horrified, the people of Sandy Hook knew that the school had been CLOSED for quite some time, and it took years for that information to finally get out.

The timing on this thing is more than suspect, in my opinion, and it works out perfectly for them on many levels.

I don’t trust that anything in mainstream media is actually happening the way they say it is.

Sorry but their information has been reduced to the value of a “Pet Rock.”

Mainstream media, AP, Reuters…etc, all illuminati-owned, along with their eternal “pit of lies.” It’s endless. It’s brash. It’s downright blatant.

I believe these idiots think, that after all we’ve seen and been through over the past year, we are going to hand our guns over to them! 

(Hard to believe right?)

We’ve watched the list of Arkancide victims grow.

We’ve been harassed, threatened and bullied…as we have never seen before in our lifetimes, or the lifetime’s of our parents. 

We’ve been the victims of fascist terrorist groups, who have the GUIDO-mindset-GALL to call themselves “Anti-Fascist,” a joke, that will go down in history as the most ridiculous LIE ever told.

These leftist globalist thugs, have been attacking our first amendment rights, and our right to vote…

and they think we are going to give them our GUNS?

These people are dyed-in-the-wool psychopaths.

There’s no telling what’s really happening here, but I can promise you it has nothing to do with what they are saying on the Fake News. 

This is nothing but a game (for psychos) to them, and they get to play on a world stage. 

These decomposing blood drinkers, also seem to think that “fear tactics” are a good way to go with American Patriots.

Please take a moment to laugh at this.

This is a clue that they are well out of their element, and have kept themselves willfully ignorant as to who they are dealing with. 

I guess this is supposed to “scare” Trump supporters? Not sure because these people are technically insane.


How can you scare people when you have no clue who they are?

Didn’t someone once say: “Know thy enemy?”

Well they don’t know us because they’re in denial.

While they have been floating down the river of Denial, WE are already united as one.

They can’t admit that though, because it makes them look stupid.

They will never admit that Trump supporters are made up mostly of Independents, first-time voters, Republicans...and guess what? There are even Democrats who have passionately supported Trump since day one, and many more after the “Bernie” debacle.

They will never face the fact that the Trump movement is composed of Blacks, Whites, Asians, Gays, Trannies, Millennials, Hispanics, Mexicans, Latinos, Muslims…and I’m 100% positive I’ve left people out.

We all have one thing in common; We are all Americans and we love our country.

We have that in common…but they refuse to see it.

We love our American culture, we all celebrate it together, but most of all…Trump supporters love each other for standing up and fighting for America!

It’s anyone’s guess what’s really going on here in this latest “mass shooting” but I’ve learned to look at all of them through a giant stink-eye.

I pray for the people who died as a result of this lunacy…but even more than that…

I pray for God to unleash his battle plans and shine a bright light on these demons, for all the world to see.

I pray for the scales to be removed from people’s eyes.

I pray for the wicked  to FLEE in fear…because the light is too bright, and they know the heavy hand of justice is looming over their heads…


but for now…

it’s time to “mock them.”



Here’s more evidence in my case against the NFL, where I claim they are the dumbest creatures on the planet.

VIDEO: Titans Player DEMANDS Trump Apologize Before He Stops Kneeling


Some might say that amoebas are less intelligent, but I disagree, because amoebas don’t have lips and vocal chords…

so that, by default, makes the amoeba smarter.

I bet President Trump tossed and turned all night, re-evaluating his decision to say…


whatever it was he said that upset these giant overpaid apes.


Maybe it was when he stated that you need to stand for the flag (pause)

since people died, fought, lost limbs, (pause)

so that YOU could sit here at home SAFELY (pause)

and become a multi-million dollar Football “Hero?”

Yes…I’m sure in your football-punched and stomped BRAIN (and that’s not even counting the drugs and alcohol,) President Trump read your statement today, and is now regretting his statement and considering an apology!







I’m so glad I found this article this morning because I wanted to correct an error I made on my video of last week’s news…

FLASHBACK: Anti-Trump NFL ‘Kneeler’ Was Arrested on Federal Gun Charges


You see…I logically made the statement that I couldn’t figure out how these idiots got dressed in the morning because they are stupid on a “Mount-Everest” size level.

Hard to believe that anything can function, operating with that much “white matter on the brain,” if you get my drift.

I believe there was a study done back in the 1990s and they found that professional football players had no grey cells.

Don’t quote me on this, but I think they pulled brain fluid from several normal people, and then compared that to the grey cell count of NFL players, and came up empty-handed.

I believe we are seeing this phenomena playing out before us right now…


Just kidding.

But it COULD be true because these idiots seem to be missing their brains.

The article above proves that indeed, these meatheads CAN’T get dressed!


NEXT: YouTube etc…





Antifa and BLM are starting to fight with each other…a lot.


I watched this last night. It was very good.