TODAY’S NEWS: 👉 THURSDAY 👉October 12, 2017 🇺🇸

*Ugh* Eminem Goes on 4 Minute Vulgar and Profane Freestyle Rap Against President Trump at BET Awards (VIDEO)


These flaming “Deep State” psychos are down in underground chambers…cooking and baking people in ovens like Dr. Frankenstein.

At first I thought this was an article about a singing and dancing “Antifa” guy.

Imagine my surprise when I realized that they were trying to say that this was Eminem.

This thing, whatever the hell it is, looks nothing like Eminem.

Don’t try and tell me that’s a beard.

It looks like dirt.

Oh no…this is one of those jiffy-clones they whipped up in their “people-kitchens,”

and from the looks of it they were in a hurry, because this thing looks like Eminem’s basement dwelling, malnourished, crack-addicted, not identical, cousin on his mother’s side…or something.

The big question is;

Why did they send the clone out and where is the real Eminem?

I suspect, that as this fiasco continues, these Deep State psychos have met with some resistance from the “celebrity world,” unless every “celeb” is a useless bag of irredeemable frog-shyte,

which is entirely possible.

But this!

Hey “Deep State…”

cut us a break and get off your psycho azzes and start putting some effort into your clones!

We the people demand it!



What have you DONE with him?

My Yorkie writes better rhymes than this thing.

While you’re looking for the real Eminem (instead of this Dollar General imitation) see if you can find the real Kanye too…

and practice your cloning skills!

These clones you’re throwing out there in front of us are a joke!



Report: Bill and Hillary Haven’t Spoken in Months After He Threw Her Book ‘What Happened’ in the Trash


I hate to be bitchy (no I don’t) but this article made me laugh and I know, looking out the bedroom window at the sun rising and taking another sip of my coffee…

that this is going to be a good day.

So there’s trouble on the mezzanine level of HELL… huh?

What? No blood-drinking ritual you two Zombies can perform to save your satanic union?

No virgin’s-blood smoothie you can whip up?

No naked, moon-dancing at midnight, or wearing goat’s heads and chanting “Hail Satan”-type thingys you can do to fix it this time?

You mean your baby-murdering, child-raping, poop-eating, goat-f#cking, flesh-eating rituals…

weren’t enough to maintain your UNHOLY ALLIANCE?

You mean even  Slick Willy Clinton (Satan’s pet mule) is sick to death of this psychotic cow?

I wonder which one will be “heart-attacked” or “suicided,” first?

I love this day.



BREAKING: NFL Players Promise an UPRISING Against Fans and League


Dear God, the stupid never stops with these half-wits.

“…uprising AGAINST fans…”


You can tell that none of them took business classes.

Now I’m doubting any of them graduated 3rd grade.

Who’s going to tell them that this is never going to work and their fan base is going to loathe and despise them more than ever for this?

Who’s going to saw their skulls open and literally write the information down on a piece of paper

then cook it up until it’s black goo…

and then POUR it all over their brains, not once…but twice?

Someone needs to check their helmets for tampering.

Their DUMB has reached new, and more alarming heights.


