Here’s my video about Helena Blavatsky, who started the Theosophical Society…




Here’s an old article which contains a healthy dose of SNARK, as advertised…

TODAY’S NEWS: 👉 FRIDAY 👉September 29, 2017 🇺🇸

























5 thoughts on “🇺🇸 👉FRIDAY 👉 JUNE 1, 2018 🇺🇸 THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY…

  1. re the “soul train” – we get to train our own soul :”)

    — at the 47 min mark (about 5 mins) –
    our pineal gland (the cyclops = cycle eye) is surrounded by our temples. boom!
    our 3rd eye, the seat of the soul.

    “The Bible’s Hidden Meanings”

  2. My understanding is that Helena Blavatsky was not a Satanist. She had a connection to higher realms which she channelled. Her works are the result of automatic writing, and required her to be in a trance state, where the energy and consciousness would have invigorated her. She worked through the nights and would have been deprived of sleep, but uplifted by her channelling connection, which she could not fully control. When deprived of sleep and disconnected she would fall back to earth with a thump, thus appearing old and haggard. She smoked so that she could ground the energy and thus write, rather than float away in a higher realm and produce nothing for this world. She did not have full control over the forces of this world, the energies and the consciousness, rather she had gifts and had a job to do… which she completed. Her works The Secret Doctrine and Isis Unveiled are incredible works, otherworldly in scope and detail. Take a look for yourself.

  3. Hi Linda, you are seeing demons where they do not exist, regarding your video on the Theosophical Society. Of which, I was a member for 3 years, and I can vouch for members of the society in NZ, who are all decent human beings who are interested primarily in the pursuit of truth. They see all religions as having some truth but not necessarily all the truth. The members to not deny Christ, but believe in Christ, Buddha and spiritual masters of the Hindu tradition as being the true teachers of mankind. You would be well served to go and attend a TS introductory course, to get a balanced perspective. Like all people, the members of the TS are not immune to disinformation, and the persuasions of false teachers. I do not understand or believe fully the prophesy of the future world teacher Maitrea, in particular that promoted by Benjamin Creme, who may be linked to the society (I am not sure). Each person must discern their own path, the mistakes are part of the journey. Keep up the videos,
    Kind regards,

    • Hi Mark!
      I am only talking about the original group…which has been linked to Crowley-ism by many people before me.

      Here’s Steve Bancarz…


      I realize that the society has changed over the decades (and it has been decades since it was formed…)

      ; )

      and it is nothing like the original group.

      I’ve lived a long time…and have studied Buddhism, Meditation etc…but in the summer of 2016…my entire perspective changed.

      I no longer live with doubt.

      I urge people to find their own way…but to be careful.

      I never SAW the “deception” before I found God.

      As you said…everyone has to find out for themselves…

      I’ve been the way you describe…I’ve studied all of those things…but something profound happened to me in 2016 that changed everything.

      Like you said…we all have our paths…
      ; )

      PEACE my friend!

  4. Hello Everyone,
    this is a video done back in 2011 called”Age of Deciet”Fallen angels and NWO.
    its remarkakabe it hasn’t been scrubbed.Really gives the backstory of events in
    the way the “Ancient Hope,the great Work”as Bush Jr,mentions in his second inaugral address.Please take a brief look,

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