Today I woke up…checked the Q Board…checked my email…my Twitter and my YouTube channel…

and was immediately struck by all of the trolls lurking about.

After dealing with the abuse, in an appropriate (snarky) fashion, the morning slid downhill from there.

I then go to “Truth and Art TV” where Bernie proceeds to tell his viewers that HIS channel is “fact-based”, unlike the Q Decoders, (who are basically doing nothing but speculating) and the truthers (who are creating “wild speculation” and you could “end up talking about aliens”!


Gasp! Faint! Shoot!

Here’s the thing…

I question ANYONE who has to step on OTHER, honest, hard-working content producers, in order to elevate themselves.

I enjoy watching the decodes, and Q has stated “learn our comms” more than once, so why would Bernie trash people who make videos about the decodes?

Disappointing, to say the least, and made my morning even more obnoxious. 

In all fairness to the REST of YouTube and in the interest of FULL disclosure, the ONLY thing that Bernie does is gather news stories from established sources like Gateway Pundit, Epoch Times and Breitbart!

Then he READS them on video! 

I’m not saying that there’s anything wrong with doing that however…

Bernie doesn’t research or write ANY of the stories he reports on.  Those were all written by other people and published in OTHER publications!

I could do that every day and have a YouTube Channel forever, sharing things that OTHER PEOPLE have written and researched, and that appear in alternative/mainstream news sources.

Many of us spend WEEKS, months, days, researching history, looking at old newspapers for hours, listening to interviews, watching video after video (for days on end)…many times hitting the jackpot…but just as many times there is no return other than eliminating possibilities.

Do I share news stories? Yes…sometimes, but most of the time my videos involve taking my subscribers with me, as I run down the rabbit holes that actually PAID OFF,…

and I’m NOT restricting my research to “INSIDE OF THE MATRIX” as I look for answers!

To trash the Q Decoding channels and researchers like myself, while at the same time , he is simply re-posting material that someone else created and anyone can find on their own by going to those websites…


is disingenuous at best, and divisive, insulting to other patriots  and disappointing.








Today I’m taking a break from the highly critical “internet”, and going to cook on the grill and regroup!

I want to thank all of my new twitter friends for all of the EXTREMELY amazing messages I got today!!!

They all arrived at exactly the right time!


Now here’s a movie you might like. It’s got Barbra Stanwick in it, who I think makes a convincing female…

however the baritone strains in her voice and the broad, straight shoulders, emphasized by the high forehead and small hips…

gives it away.


Still…it’s a pretty good effort…


Here’s another great movie (starring Heddy Lamar) with the word “Strange” in the title…

Hope everybody has a great Saturday!

See you tomorrow!