MORNING NEWS: 👉 THURSDAY 👉August 3, 2017

Good morning everyone! It’s Thursday and the Satanic Deep State is “acting out,” resembling a large room full of toddlers, who have had their “cookie time” suspended for bad behavior.


The attempts by the Fake News Media (especially CNN) to undermine President Trump have degenerated into the the category of “cutters.”

Self-mutilating Chimps (I’m talking about the “females” too.)

Observe and laugh, because there’s nothing they are going to be able to do to stop this #MAGA.

Key word: #MOMENTUM

We’ve got it…they’ve lost it.

MORE #FAKENEWS: Trump Claims His Reported Comments on White House Being “Real Dump” Are Complete Lies

OF COURSE THEY LIED!!!! That’s how they make their living!!! 

Remember this? Bleeding from the face-Mika…thinks it’s THEIR JOB…to tell us what to think! 

This NitWit from Hell believes she has that power…and is afraid that NOW…President Trump is taking that power AWAY from her!

When she’s not porking Psycho Joe on the side, or getting her face hacked up…she’s gazing in the mirror and telling herself that SHE dictates what people THINK! 👉😜👈

I would say: “Get this witch out of my face.” but considering she’s whoring around with Psycho Joe…she’ll no doubt be found on his office floor, dead of a mysterious head injury…any day now…soon.




Poor, poor Democrats. They are literally running out of candidates who possess ANY moral fiber what so ever! Still clinging to scam artist Jill Stein’s FAKE “Green Party” (because let’s face it, there never WAS any “Green Party”…just a trick to fool brainwashed Dems into voting for her, so she could lower the boom and sell herself out to George Soros and Co) the Dems are going to have to crawl through the rabbit hole with her, and embrace North Korea now.

Have Democrats lost their sense of SMELL?

Can they not smell BULLSHIT anymore?

Considering the fact that they drink it for breakfast and bathe in it daily, I’m thinking that they look forward to a steaming pile of bullshit daily!

Bullshit…the cure-all for dumbazzes.

Jill Stein Defends North Korea’s Pursuit of Nuclear Weapons, Blames America (VIDEO)




One more story from the Gateway Pundit, which is one of my favorite reliable news sources….

This is what I like to call the “Satanic Deep State’s” last big play. It’s called “Rubber/Glue” and can be found, flourishing in full swing, on any playground across the country provided there’s no one over 10 years old on the premises. It goes like this:

I’m rubber and you’re glue, and whatever you say about ME, bounces off me and sticks to you!

You see how they did that?

EXAMPLE: The Russia story. CLEARLY the Democrats and the GOPe are the people who have been colluding with Russia…but THEY are “rubber” and Trump is “glue,”(at least in their beady little heads)  so they have to scramble to accuse Trump of what THEY are doing, before they are found out, and their desperation is evidenced by the fact that…they keep doing this over and over and over. 👉💣😂💣👈


WHAT A SICK JOKE: Democrats Announce New Platform and They Stole It From GOP and Trump

It must suck to only have one plan, and then to realize, all too late, that they should have devised something more sophisticated because the Rubber / Glue Psy-op (stolen from 7 year-olds) simply isn’t working.

They should have consulted my Yorkie…or perhaps the monkeys at the Zoo. Either would have come up with a more concrete plan to manipulate than these neanderthals.

Steal and lie…steal and lie…steal and lie.

Apparently that’s all they have.







Now this story makes me laugh out loud, every time, but not at KID ROCK (who I support 1000% and hope he wins “bigly”) but at his MAN-FACED opponent who identifies as a “woman” and keeps hysterically “poo-pooing” the very idea that Kid Rock could win.

Every single one of these gender-blurry politicians needs to take a long hard look in the mirror and imagine themselves in ORANGE, with a ball and chain “anklet” attached securely to their gender-questionable legs.  These idiots are melting a little each day, and are too full of themselves to notice.

By the time MISS Stabnow (real name or fake name?) realizes that there’s no hope left, her hormones will be rendered useless and her facial hair will be so thick, she’ll qualify for a cell in the all male section of GITMO…while Kid Rock is MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Getting rid of this Mussie-Loving fraud is a good step in the right direction…Go Kid Rock!

LOL : Debbie Stabenow Reacts to Kid Rock’s Challenge



TALES FROM THE CRYPT…Robert Mueller…the flesh-eating Zombie from the lowest depths of the DC swamp, is under attack from Patriots and NORMAL people (who are actually still living) because he mindlessly continues to commit treason in full view of America.

That’s because reports indicate that he is technically dead. That’s right, I’d say…judging by his appearance, he’s been dead for about 10 years now. See how the skin is sort of a green color? See it hanging off his face-bones? Notice his skeletal frame and the shrinking that seems to be occurring? This ghoul is actually getting shorter by the day.

That’s because when he was brought back from the dead, in one of California’s many underground, Satanic, CIA, human/zombie experimentation laboratories…

they put one of the Joseph Mengele clones  in charge of the project, and it was a massive fail. That doesn’t stop them from inserting a probe up his azz daily and giving him a few jolts of electricity, just to get him out of the coffin and start him up.

After that, he robotically goes through the motions of his “Destroy Trump” programming….taking out puppies and kitty kats if necessary in order to complete his mission (he’s only capable of so much physical effort…anything larger than a frog is beyond his capabilities.)

He’s like a midget-zombie terminator…because he’s basically a deep state experiment, that they had to shove out there before it’s completion.

Look for chunks of his face to start peeling off in public and then either a bizarre “suicide” or  he’ll go into the hospital claiming to have a brain tumor.

The dead live.

Cries for Mueller’s Resignation Are Growing Louder and Louder!





From TRUE PUNDIT…another excellent news source for those who are sick and tired of FAKE NEWS…

OK…I admit it. I couldn’t listen to this whining, bedwetting, thumb-sucking nin-com-poop they call: Acosta, because he reminds me of a broken Chatty Cathy doll that self-winds and won’t stop repeating the same thing over and over, but feel free to watch this display of full blown insanity, if your nerves can take it (mine can’t.)

Where is this thing’s mother? Does she not keep track of him still…because if anyone needed a “chip” implanted in their neck it’s this incessant professional crybaby!

Dear CNN, Please change Acosta’s diapers, even though I know it’s easier just to let him stew in them, because the smell of shyte is getting too strong to tolerate.

I’d rather listen to someone sharpen old tools on a rusty lave at 4am in the morning than listen to this perfectly-formed IDIOT, cry like a demonic beer-drinking baby, when we are supposed to be getting NEWS from you CIA rejects!

Note: I haven’t allowed CNN in my home since I stopped working there and took the severance package they offered me, back in 2000. It’s FAKE. 

CNN: The Ringing Barnum and Bailey of the Fake News Industry…turn it off. They are altering your DNA and raising your blood pressure by encouraging their anchor-thingys to act like PitBulls with dirty diapers.

Watch CNN Blabbermouth Jim Acosta Get Verbally Rag Dolled At White House Press Briefing … Again (VIDEO)

He even LOOKS like a baby.




This psychotic Ginger needs to have a lush, palatial cell in GITMO. Someone needs to take his little “empire” away from him…just to stop him from existing…period. With no money and firm laws in place (that prevented this crazed, money-grubbing fascist from stealing his way to the top) he/she/whatever it is… would be in prison by now.

Can’t someone accidentally bump him down an elevator shaft?

“I didn’t see him officer…I thought his red-colored head was part of the wallpaper design and accidentally bumped into him.”

“Judge, my vision was affected by his hair color and the sun, and I swear I thought there was a staircase there…instead of a 90 foot drop.”

“Judge, I saw the words “anti-Christ” appear over his head and only wanted to save humanity!”

Judge: Not guilty!

How about accidentally refilling his Gatorade bottle with antifreeze or brake fluid?

It could happen.

Nothing would make me happier, then if he was to accidentally step off a cliff and land on huge, upright shards of broken glass or if the goat he humps during his Satanic rituals was to suddenly turn on him and rip him to shreds.

That’s what I LOVE about America…we can still DREAM…

2020 WATCH: Zuckerberg hires former Clinton pollster


For more news from True Pundit click HERE

I call them “The Ladies of the Chat” and they will be posting and updating news links all day long…


Hope everyone has an amazing day and come back and check my news video out (will upload it this morning) exposing  ANCESTRY . com and the EYE OF HORUS…